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3 Step makeover for office cabin for life and professionalism

What comes in your mind when you imagine an office cabin? Table with files and visiting cards, cabinets loaded with books and journals and dull neutral looking walls. Right? We usually see this in most of the offices. But do you think that your office needs to have the same dull lifeless looks where you are always tangled in searching for stuff? Not necessary right? Your office cabin is the face of your business. It should be energetic and brimming with life.  The simple change in decor can bring out the awesome side that is quirky, chic and modern with the edgy class. And why not?  After all, you spend most of your day here. Let's give it a try now. Roll over your eyes round the room to see what all places needs a makeover. Paint, some paintings, cabinets, shelves, organiser and window dressing can do it all.


Let's start with painting the walls. Say a big no to whites or neutral shades. They are dull and lifeless. Make your walls live. Depending upon the nature of the work, the neutral can be blended with darker colour schemes.The creative firms must have vibrant colour combinations reflecting the nature of their work. Complement your paints with furniture and lighting schemes to create a perfect ambience.


Once you are done with the paint, the walls are still blank. It gives the visitors a blank space to gaze on. Get some shelves on one wall with organised non confidential books, magazines and professional journals. Do overload it with all the pile. Keep that is necessary and dispose off what you will not require anytime in the future. Well, that of course, you have to decide. 

Add some paintings

On the empty wall you can get some professional achievements framed and hung on the walls. These can be firm wide events or certifications. Try not to put personal memories to maintain the professionalism. Other than frames you can even try to make one wall into accent wall to give a depth to your room.


use under the table space

Once you are done with the walls, the next thing that require a makeover is your table.Try to keep it empty and neat. Place an under the table cabinet with stuff in the order of priority.The higher the priority, give it a top cabinet. Here too same rule applies. Keep what is necessary so that you do not load the cabinets with junk and again hunting for important file. The next thing that takes on our nerves is the pile of visiting cards. To hunt for one we waste a lot of time. Lets organise that too. Best it to hang them on the wall. You can get a visting card holder with multiple slots and arrange them there in an alphabetical order. Believe me this will save a lot of precious time.



Once you are done with walls and table the last thing is the makeover for the windows. Dress them with window blinds. Blinds in the professional environment adds class and maintains the professional privacy. If your window opens towards the roadside or the sunny side then choose roller or roman blinds. This will maintain the privacy intact. If you have glass window opening towards your work floor then opt for open roman or zebra blinds. This will give you visibility of the floor while maintaining the professional privacy of the cabin. Well these are just a quick tips for you to start with. You can explore your unique creative style to give your cabin a lively and professional environment.

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